Monday, January 21, 2019

Old School Gaming Section - New Blog Feature

I really like to play old games - especialy NES / PSX and older PC games. I'd like to add this part of me to my blog and sometimes to write about it. Sometimes i also want to record my "gameplay" and share with you, so you could comment under video what you like to play and how i can improve my playstyle.

Most of the NES / PSX footage will come from my "Dell EmuStation" you could see in last entry, old PC games gameplay i would like to record on my WinXP Set. Sometimes, when the game or software would be more demanding i will use my Work PC, to make the recording smoother.

My plans for the nearest future are:

NES: Super Mario Bros, Contra, Adventure Island, Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu
PSX: Tekken 3, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, CMR2.0
PC: GTA Vice City, Max Payne, No One Lives Forever

All of the above will show on my blog as frequent as i'll be able to record them. I've got limited time for my "blog activity", so make it more as a "special entry".

I hope you like my idea and that it will bring here some new readers. First gameplay gonna be here today, so stay tuned!

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