Thursday, January 24, 2019

Tekken 3 - Ling Xiaoyu - Arcade Mode

My Tekken 3 trip to unlock everything starts with Ling Xiaoyu. Beating that arcade Mode on Normal is not so easy to beginner not knowing most of the juggles.

As official guide says "Xiaoyu is a 16 year-old who loves amusement parks. Entering the Tournament is her first step in having the perfect amusement park built in China." Xiaouy is using mix of Baguazhang and Piguaquan martial arts, which use a lot of crouching moves. Because of that she is hard to attack with High and Mid attacks. One of the best combination i've managed to learn are kicks, which together make a combo of three attacks lowering health bar effectively. Also very usefull are all crouching attacks like clock-kick. Full Arcade Battle below - enjoy!

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